No more porn in Hilton hotel

Staying at a Hilton hotel and want to spice up your stay with some porn? You only have until July 1, 2016 to watch it through them; after that, pay-per-view porn will disappear from the worldwide chain’s television screens, a decision that’s being hailed as a major victory by conservative group National Center on Sexual Exploitation (NCOSE). You may remember them as the same group that recently launched a successful campaign to get Cosmopolitan magazine covered up in stores like Rite Aid because it, too, was tagged with the dreaded “porn” title by the group. Read more

Invitatie la consultare publica: Familia – intre aspiratii si realitati

Coaliţia pentru familie şi Constituţie, for informal ce reuneşte mai multe zeci de ong-uri din România, lansează o dezbatere naţională pe tema familiei. Sunteți invitaţi să răspundeți unei serii de întrebări în ceea ce priveşte măsurile ce ar trebui luate pentru protejarea familiei ca nucleu al societăţii.

Ce probleme întâmpini în viața familiei tale și ce soluții crezi că ar fi potrivite pentru acestea?

Amploarea crizelor structurale prin care trece familia, astăzi, este greu de cuprins. Vremuri grele pentru familie au mai fost. Războaiele, mizeria socială, degradarea morală, lipsa iubirii și a compasiunii, desconsiderarea femeii, derogarea de responsabilitățile filiale și părintești – toate aceste flageluri care au măcinat și macină la rădăcina familiei sunt fenomene perene. Specific lumii în care trăim este, însă, un nou mod de a privi familia, nemaiîntâlnit până acum. Read more

Tinder Mercies–Or, How Porn Destroyed Sex

You’ve probably already seen the Vanity Fair piece on how the dating/hookup app Tinder is changing “mating rituals” for young Americans. The article is harsh and at times graphic, so read with care and discretion. Under normal circumstances I probably wouldn’t link to it. But what this article describes is nothing less than a voluntary sex market; the way the young men in the piece describe the joy of seeing all their sexual conquests mount up, you’d think it was prostitution but with social media for currency. Read more

Parents, Are Your Kids Drowning on the Internet?

No caring parent would allow their child to jump into a pool without first making sure they knew how to swim. But every day children are allowed onto the internet without learning the skills they need to keep afloat (and away from the sharks). Kids can learn how to stay safe if we are willing to teach them when they need it most–as young children before they get enticed by pornography. Read more