Why Rashida Jones Changed Her Mind About Porn

Interview by ANA MARIE COX

In 2015, you produced a documentary about young pornography performers, ‘‘Hot Girls Wanted,’’ that was eventually turned into a new Netflix documentary series. But in 2013, you wrote a pretty strident essay in Glamour against the ‘‘pornification’’ of everything, where you recount using the hashtag #stopactinglikewhores, in regard to the mainstreaming of, say, V-strings and stripper poles. What changed? I was impulsive. Being old isn’t a good excuse for it, but using the word ‘‘whore’’ was absolutely not appropriate. I didn’t even know what ‘‘slut shaming’’ meant at the time, and I have educated myself. But that was sort of the beginning of my relationship with all this work — I wanted to see if my feelings had any validity in the real world, or if I was just being close-minded. Read more

10 Ugly Numbers Describing Pornography Use in 2017

We all know that the world has become pornified, that the internet has made available to all of us an entire universe of pornographic content. Yet many of the statistics we rely on and commonly quote have become outdated. As technology changes and as new generations grow up, the pornographic landscape inevitably changes. I went looking for updated numbers and want to present some of them to you today. All of these are based on credible studies carried out in 2016 or 2017. Read more

European Parliament to vote child protection from pornography: Liberals and LGBT unhappy

The EU Parliament is today (MAY 18, 2017) voting on the revision of the EU Audiovisual Media Services Directive. The reform package, already approved at committee stage, aims to protect the “moral development of a child”, specifically by subjecting pornographic or violent viewing to parental control. Liberal lawmakers and LGBT lobbyists are unhappy. Read more

12 Ways Pornography Just Doesn’t Show Enough

By Dustin Murphy

Pornography doesn’t go far enough to promote genuine love, which we can see primarily in three areas: conjugal love, relationships, and privacy.

Porn is made to excite passions in the most animalistic ways possible. There are no rules; anything and everything goes. Yet, ironically, pornography doesn’t go far enough in three areas: conjugal love, relationships, and privacy. Read more

PORNOGRAFIA – O marturie personala

Mi-am petrecut o importantă parte a copilăriei mele în anii care au urmat Revoluției din ’89. Nu-mi amintesc prea multe aspecte ale vieții de sub comunism, însă anii ’90 au fost definitorii pentru mine și generația mea. Părinții noștri încercau să își dea seama ce înseamnă „libertatea” și să profite la maxim de orice aduce aceasta.

Printre libertățile post-decembriste se numărau si o sumedenie de publicații care deveniseră accesibile publicului larg. Am fost invadați de zeci de publicații prezentate ca fiind „pornografice“. Tipărite pe o hârtie de proastă calitate, cu poze șterse, uneori greu de distins, ziare și reviste precum „Infractoarea“, „Prostituția“, „Sexy Star“, „Trup și suflet“ sau „Sexy Balamuc“, ele ofereau românilor ceva care, până atunci, păruse definitiv interzis. Acesta este și contextul în care am fost expus pentru prima dată la astfel de imagini. Read more

Internet Porn Nearly Ruined His Life. Now He Wants to Help.

Alexander Rhodes sat along a stretch of grass, looking out over the Allegheny River. The two of us were sitting in a quiet space on the outskirts of Pittsburgh where we had planned to spend the night in tents camping out.

“The key thing to consider is that I am not a very good businessman,” he said. “I’m not really anything but a guy who was addicted to internet porn.” Read more

He was hooked on porn for eight years. Then he learned to fish.

In the end, it was the girl across the street who understood the situation most clearly, the tiny one who dressed like a middle-aged Realtor and carefully studied my family’s demise. I was approaching 40, and the terms of my second marriage were being renegotiated from soul mates to a joint-custody arrangement. ¶ The girl lurked in the front hedge of azaleas to watch our first custody exchange: my wife’s SUV pulling up in the drive, the hug, the seat belt, the school uniforms buttoned up on hangers. When they drove away, she walked up in grown-up shoes and glasses, holding a clipboard. She consulted her notes, then looked me over. “You,” she said with finality, “alone.” ¶ As an ad guy, I could have campaigned for a thousand words and not nailed the truth like that. Read more

Romance Porn: More Women are Addicted Than You Think

Every year, pornography tangles up millions of people in its sticky spider webs. It rolls them up like hapless flies, and sucks out their brains until they are pretty much the walking dead. Christians are not exempt. And we are finally starting to admit it and talk about it.

But there is still something missing in the discussion. Most of the time, articles about the negative effects of pornography focus on men. Women have set up lawn chairs on the sidelines, often as despairing wives who wonder how to deal with their porn-entangled husbands. Read more